Podcasting has experienced growth for the last decade and it doesn’t look like it’s slowing down anytime soon. Are you wondering if podcasting is right for your wedding business? We’re talking to wedding photographer and videographer, Danielle Villemarette about her own experience launching a podcast while running her wedding business.
Get tips and insights to see if podcasting is the right next step for you, as a wedding pro!
Danielle is the owner of Danielle Villemarette and Co. She is an Oklahoma-based wedding photographer and videographer that specializes in weddings, bridal portraits, engagements, and boudoir. She launched The Curated Exposure podcast with her friend, fellow photographer, and co-host, Lauren Nickle in 2019.
The podcast has developed over time from more couple-focused to also include vendor-style resources.
We’ve asked Danielle to share her top tips from starting with no experience to co-hosting her own 5-star podcast. She’ll cover insights to help wedding pros, like yourself, determine if the podcast route is right for you!

It’s important to understand some facts and figures about podcasting before you decide if it’s right for you. Let’s cover just a few basics before we get into our interview —
- 75% of Americans have had contact with podcasts.
- 62 million Americans listen to podcasts each week.
- Regular listeners take in around 8 hours of content every week from about seven different shows.
- The largest age group of podcast listeners includes the 12-35 year-olds. 35-54 make up 40% of listeners.
- 60% of regular podcast listeners have a 4-year college degree, postgraduate or advanced degree.
- 41% of podcast listeners have a household income above 75K.
- Podcast hosts are considered high-trust influencers and their listeners are more accepting of ads.
- High podcast consumption leads to better brand recognition.
(Source: Improve Podcast.)

What was the inspiration for the Curated Exposure podcast — and where did you come up with the name?
“So the Curated Exposure
It was early Spring 2019 and I had been playing with the idea of us doing a podcast. I wasn’t sure if she would be on board with it or not, but when I presented the idea she was totally in, and we began dreaming up names. Lauren made a list of words that she thought may go well in describing where we were coming from as photographers, and what we would be talking about on the podcast. We were in a Norman Starbucks talking through the list when we landed on two words: Curated and Exposure.”
How many episodes do you do each season and how long do you plan on continuing for? Do you tackle episodes as you have topics that come up or do you have a preferred schedule?
“At first, we set out to do about 10 episodes a ‘season’. With the rush that Oklahoma wedding season can bring in the summer and fall though, we realized after season 1 that for us, and our schedules, producing episodes as we have topics and new inspirations made the most sense.”
What do you hope listeners will come away with after hearing The Curated Exposure?
“The Curated Exposure started out being geared toward the Bride/Grooms-to-be planning their wedding. We would include thoughts on certain topics that could help other photographers/videographers in the industry, however, that wasn’t our focus.
We’ve since expanded the Curated Exposure Podcast to The Curated Exposure Workshop & Styled Shoot which is a heavily curated styled shoot experience for photographers/videographers to attend, while also experiencing the wisdom of superstar local vendors in a mini-workshop.
When we first dreamed up the podcast, we talked about creating something like this but knew we wanted to take our time getting to that point.
We hosted our first Curated Exposure Workshop & Styled Shoot at Daffodil Hill at the end of August 2020. When we produce episodes for the podcast, they are still presented in a way that is helpful for brides and grooms, but we have begun adding in the element of also serving our local creative community.”
What has been the biggest surprise — or the most rewarding part — as a podcaster?
“I would say the most surprising thing, at least for me, is how fun it actually is. It’s easy to get stuck in your head, believing that ‘you can’t do that’, but to get behind the microphone, and hit record — especially when you’re doing it with a friend or special guests just makes it so empowering!”
What has been your biggest challenge as a podcaster?
“Keeping up! Having a full-time business, being a wife and mom, and Lauren being busy with her own work and family makes planning and recording a bit more of a task.”
What top tips do you have for a wedding vendor trying to decide if a podcast is for them?
“If you have the urge to start a podcast, I say do it! You may find it fits into your workflow perfectly, or you may discover the work involved just isn’t right for your current page in life.
But ultimately, your podcast is yours to produce as often or as little as you like, and then to market it and share it as often or as little as you’d like. Unless you are already very strapped for time, there really is no reason not to give podcasting a try!”

What resources do you recommend for someone starting out as a new podcaster?
“There are a lot of great resources out there for those wanting to learn how to create a Podcast. Anchor by Spotify is the platform I recommend to anyone starting out, and it’s who we still host our podcast today.
What are some common misconceptions people have about starting a podcast?
“I think the biggest misconception is that you can just hit record and it’ll be perfect. You will mess up, stutter over a word, have to pause to think about something.
Some may be of the style and vibe to post a raw recording with no editing, but that just isn’t our style. I don’t think people really consider the amount of editing that can go into a single episode.
I am a go big or go home kind of personality, so when Lauren and I started the podcast, I knew I wanted to edit the audio and clean it up to be as crisp as I knew how in Adobe Audition. Being also a videographer, I know the importance of clean audio. In the beginning, I didn’t realize the amount of time editing a single episode could consume.”
What is your best piece of advice for a wedding vendor wanting to start a podcast?
“My best advice is two parts. The first part is my recommendations of what you need to actually get started:
- A good microphone. I love my Yeti mic — and definitely use headphones when recording with it to avoid any feedback or echoes.
- Record in Zencastr. This platform is fairly inexpensive and has features you can use to clean up
audio . It also is an easy way to have ‘guests’ and co-hosts on your show. Multiple people can ‘call’ into the episode, all they need is your invitation link! Once you’re done recording, you’ll be able to apply any clean-up features you would like and download the episode.
- Utilize Anchor as your host platform. Just like we host our website through platforms like BlueHost, to launch your podcast episodes out into the world, you have to have them hosted somewhere.
Anchor is free to use, and while I don’t prefer their recording service, they do offer the ability to record and post your episodes.”
What is the biggest difference between having a blog and having a podcast, since you have both?
“A podcast is a lot more lively. Blogs are staples that I feel like, play a pivotal part in SEO and sharing a brand/entrepreneur/creator’s voice and style. But podcasts give the audience an even closer connection to the person creating.
Humans crave points of connection with others, and hearing another person’s voice is a huge way we connect and communicate.”

Advice to Keep in Mind as You Start Your Podcasting Journey
“The last thing I would add is don’t doubt your reach. What I mean by that is, like when we start anything new, we may not have the following in place to make our creation an overnight success. Do not let numbers dictate how you feel about the importance of your message.
I will never forget, it was Fall of 2020, we had just wrapped up our first “season” officially, and Lauren and I were feeling burnt out. Life was still happening between each recording, work and family demands didn’t disappear. I found myself questioning if I should really be attempting to do a podcast and if it was even making a difference or helpful in any way.
As the fall continued, I had multiple brides of mine reference the podcast to me or something from an episode. And it was then that I realized that no matter how large or small your following, you have an audience that appreciates the knowledge and thoughts you’re sharing. So don’t doubt your reach, or the ability of your message to reach.”
Here is a short list of resources that Danielle found helpful in her experience as a podcast host.
- Anchor – Podcast Hosting
- Podcast Lab – Podcast Education Resource
- Zencastr – Podcast Recording
- Yeti – Podcast Microphone
Be sure to check out The Curated Exposure. Feel free to reach out to Danielle Villemarette and Co. directly if you have more questions about her podcasting journey or photography services.
Written by Corrie McGee
Photos Courtesy of Danielle Villemarette of Danielle Villemarette & Co.